You’re building a DREAM – your business. It is exciting, frustrating, scary and LONELY.
You long to be able to share the day-to-day triumphs and tribulations with “SOMEONE” who understands, really understands and can give you helpful feedback, insight and relevant suggestions. “SOMEONE” who can pick you up when you’re feeling disillusioned. “SOMEONE” who can give you a “kick in the pants” when you need it.
Something friends, family and employees can’t always do.
- Because you can’t share, the truth will SCARE THEM.
- Because they’re just not interested.
- Because they don’t have a clue.
- Because they love you so much, they tell you what they think you want to hear
- Because their idea of business is a CORPORATE entity, where there is someone who does marketing/social media/HR
A mastermind group is a collection of “SOMEONES”, just like you…….
They’re in the trenches DOING IT too and because they’re doing it, you can talk shop. You can bounce ideas off them, pick their brain’s for solutions to problems you’re facing, get a fresh perspective and find out what is working/not working in your neck of the woods.
Your mastermind group can provide you with ….
But it will COST YOU……….
Success requires COMMITMENT.
You need to COMMIT to the mastermind group, this means
If you’re ready to PLAY BETTER this year.
Join the Expecting Magic team TODAY by clicking on this link.
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