Keep calm you won’t get stuck

pregnant women negotiating a turn style

The rapid expanding associated with being pregnant, put you at risk of getting stuck in an opening that just is not big enough. No need to worry….

Pregnancy is an expanding experience.It can be traumatic to transition from small to BIG, to enormous. Forget aesthetics, being a lot bigger than “normal” – there is always the possibility that you will miscalculate your actual size and attempt to move through an opening that……….just is not big enough !

And end up STUCK.

It’s not going to happen

Good news…. despite the fact that your body size is changing “every day”, your brain keeps abreast of the situation.

You will never get stuck.

Your brain has you covered. Your brain KNOWS how big you are and can do the necessary calculations.

This is the finding of a group of researchers from New York University, who explored how tuned in pregnant women are, to their body size.

Big, bigger bodies…. keep reading

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