At the January meeting, of the Melville chapter, of the Wellness Umbrella we strutted our stuff, with a little Peacock Marketing.
The attendees
Dr Sandy
Dr Sandy, from Spoonful of Science Media, which focuses on educating people about how they can create BETTER BODY CHEMISTRY. The company uses cutting edge tools and techniques to spread the word. And we offer other small businesses the opportunity to use these tools to leverage their business, so they can use the internet to generate leads, and turn these leads into customers and evangelists.
We don’t build websites, we build funnels……….and we have lots of cool gadgets that can leverage the internet to grow your business.
Check out our blog at Better Body Chemistry.
Sonia Hawkins
Sonia, educational kinesiologist, who uses brain gym to teach people how to de-stress and cope. People react differently to stress, brain gym is a tool, like a safety valve to release excessive stress.
Sonia’s USP – she REALLY CARES. She goes the extra mile and she is especially good at helping children cope with their stress. Her approach ensures that the whole family is better equipped to deal with the stress.
Sonia’s tail is a fabulous resource for parents. She has assembled a collection of ideas that will help families connect better. Check it out at here
Alan Rosenberg
Alan from Lindros. Alan is an agro-ecologist, he has been involved in the agricultural sector for the last four decades in four different countries. Today he consults, teaches, trains and lectures……… and he grows bugs. He brews a fabulous probiotic.
Alan’s USP – he knows his stuff. He is published author, having written five books on the subject. He currently consults with five different government departments.
Alan has three different websites, each focusing on different aspects of his business. You can connect with him at
The Segaugelo General Trading Team
Monica and Annamarie are a team of ladies, focused on making curtains, pelmets and drapes, as well as cakes. Sounds a little crazy, but this team can ensure that the event you are hosting, looks and feels perfect. The name of their fledgling enterprise is Segaugelo General Trading.
Monica and Annamarie are still in the beginning stages of their business, one of their goals…… is to add an educational component to their offerings. They would like to provide supplemental training to kids – giving SA’s youth skills that they could empower them to generate income.
The tail this team of ladies is using to market their skills is a portfolio, which show cases their work. You can get hold of a copy, by calling 084 310 3313.
Jan van der Merwe
Jan, is part of the brain gym team, his focus is on the connection between physical fitness and brain health. Jan has degree in Sport Science and has been helping kids to be FIT, teaching physical training in various schools.
Jan’s bringing two largely separate fields together – to help kids perform better, both in the classroom and on the sports field.
Jan is not using paperwork to display his talents, instead he struts his stuff in schools – giving presentations on topics such as injury prevention and optimum performance.
Natalie Soal
Natalie is a life coach, who specializes in providing coaching services to kids. She works with the child, teaching life skills and coping skills – so the child is happy, motivated and inspired. She looks at both physical aspects of health, as well as emotional aspects, such as communication and boundries. She works with parents, schools and the child.
Natalie is a Mom of three kids and spent many years as a nursery school teacher – so she has lots of experience. She is a trained counsellor and a certified life coach.
Natalie’s tail, the Kim Coach Academy, click here to learn more.
Denise Percimoney
Denise is a midwife, community health worker. She is a ground level worker, she gets her fingers stuck into things and makes a difference. Over the years, she has been involved in lots of health projects, including women empowerment initiatives, sex education, maternity and vegetable gardening. She has come face-2-face with community needs.
Denise’s USP – she is a networker. She knows how to connect people in need, with people who can help provide a solution for that need
If you want to find out more about the projects Denise is involved with, maybe sponsor something, visit her at her website.